Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Piosenki w Piwnicy

A long time ago I was introduced to this album. I liked it. So we started a radio show. True story. Later on, I travelled to the other side of the world in the hope of seeing Wanda, the singer, perform. Twice. I did not succeed. But I did see Plastic People of the Universe. Good stuff.

I don't do desert islands, mostly cause I'm not much of one for the beach, but I guess I hold it in the same regard as people who do hold their so called desert island discs. Anyway I'd be scared of the sand straching up my LP. Luckily, on the interwebs, sand is not your concern.


Inaugurating a new blog

Welcome, stranger.

In time this little project will grow and flower, spread its seeds and die.

For now it is time to tend the soil.

Sweet regards.