Saturday, April 17, 2010

Duma Ukrainna

I found this gem whilst trawlling YouTube for more of my favourite rock star.

It's been explained to me that this is a version of a 16th C Hymn, though the other version I heard of it sounded more like a military march, and that Niemen recorded this for a TV show.

Niemen's Duma Ukrainna

An Early Reflection and Data Smoothing in Smaart 6 & 7

A look at a discrete 10ms late arrival with 1dB of difference in Smaart 7 MTW. 1 Sec Complex Averaging.
No Data Smoothing, 1/48 8ve, 1/24 8ve, 1/12 8ve

The same input into Smaart 6 with FPPO. 32 Vector Averages.
No Smoothing, 3 Point, 5 Point, 7 Point

Smaart 7 Multi Time Window, Late Arrivals

Since I got Soundflower working to look at later arrivals, I have redone the less late arrivals in Smaart 7 so they are actually late rather than early. I have not saved each trace as a ref and complied them into the one image because I want to see what the coherance trace is doing.

MTW, 16 Complex Averages, No Smoothing.

Complex and Polar Averages in Smaart 6

Or Vector and RMS in V6 Nomeclature.

50ms delay (from Reaper), 16 Averages. Coherance blanking OFF.

With 5 point Smoothing:

A Comparison with Smaart 6, Late Arrivals

Smaart 6 in FPPO being fed Pink Noise from Reaper via soundflower. 16 Complex Averages, Coherance Blanking at 20%. Measurement Signal delayed in Reaper.

0ms, 0.5ms, 1ms, 2ms, 4ms, 8ms, 12ms, 16ms, 20ms, 24ms, 32ms, 64ms, 96ms, 128ms, 256ms, 512ms

Going back the other way.

To look at delay times longer than 50ms, I have connected the Reaper application to Smaart 7 via Soundflower, which allows me to route audio between applications on the Mac, like a virtual sound card.

So now I am able to delay the measurement signal easily for late arriving data. There is a delay plugin on channel of Reaper to achieve this, it has a 1 sample latency, and the delay in Smaart has been set to accomodate this (0.02ms).

Other parameters are the same, MTW, 16 Complex averages, etc. Delay times of 64ms, 96ms, 128ms, 256ms, 512ms.

Complex and Polar Averages in Smaart 7

Smaart 7 chanaged the nomenclature for its two averaging methods from Vector and RMS, to Complex and Polar. I don't see any reason why the math would have changed though.

Rehased from the last post, a signal arriving 50ms early with Complex (Vector) averaging:
The same measurement with Polar (RMS) averaging:
The two Mag traces with 1/12 oct smoothing turned on:

Smaart 7 Multi Time Window

I am curious about the performance of the new 'Multi Time Window' in Smaart 7. Constructed out of several simultaneous FFTs to 1/48 8ve or better above 60Hz.

Noise has been looped back into the computer, so we are looking at a measurement that has no speakers or microphones, infact the only differences between the two channels should be those in the electrical input circuits of the PreSonus Firebox, ie not much.

I have just progessively added delay to the reference, so the measurement signal is seen to be arriving early. The demo is limited 50ms of delay, so we stop there.

The three windows from top to bottom are the Live IR, Phase, and Mag. The value in the centre of the Live IR, tells you delay currently applied.

Traces have been measured with 16 Averages, with the Complex average method, Coherance blanking is at 20%, no smoothing.

The coherance traces seems to show clearly where the breakpoints between different FFTs are.